This page was last updated April 13th 2004

              A Fistful Of Westerns

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"Adios Sabata" Tony's Comments:
The "Sabata" Trilogy Now available to buy on DVD :
Starring Yul Brynner
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TITLE: Adios Sabata
: Gianfranco Parolini
STARRING : Yul Brynner, Dean Reed, Ignazio Spalla, GĂ©rard Herter, Nieves Navarro, Sal Borgese, Franco Fantasia, Joseph P. Persaud, Salvatore Billa, Federico Boido, Massimo Carocci, Omar Bonaro, Andrea Scotti, Luciano Casamonica, Vittorio Fanfoni.
TAGLINE: Sabata Aims to Kill
* The Bounty Hunters
* Indio Black
* Indio Sabata
* Sabata 2
After the "Man With No Name" came the man with a name, "Sabata". The "Sabata" character was first introduced to audiences in the form of Lee Van Cleef in the original spaghetti western classic "Sabata" (1970). In 1971 legendary Hollywood actor and star of the original "Magnificent Seven", Yul Brynner joined the ranks of Hollywood actors who went to Italy to make spaghetti westerns.  He was signed up to star in the "Sabata" sequel "Adios Sabata" a stylish, rollicking, action filled, gun-smoker in the true tradition of all good spaghetti westerns. In this installment "Sabata", the invincible master gunfighter helps Mexican revolutionaries steal a wagonload of gold. Along the way there are plenty of gunfights, explosions and the usual close-ups all set to that special brand of spaghetti western music that all western lovers have come to enjoy. Yul Brynner's tough guy presence lifts "Adios Sabata" one notch above most spaghetti westerns. Director Gianfranco Parolini does an excellent job, bringing a tongue-in-cheek sense of fun to the proceedings.  "Adios Sabata"  has all the elements of a good spaghetti western, plus more, trick shooting, fancy weaponry, punch-ups, over-the-top costumes, stylish photography and a hero that is unbeatable and unstoppable.  "Adios Sabata" would certainly make veteran spaghetti western filmmaker Sergio Leone proud.
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The Sabata Trilogy [DVD] DVD
Stylish and action-packed trio of spaghetti Western classics follows the exploits of a master gunslinger-for-hire. First, Lee Van Cleef stars in "Sabata" (1969), which finds the gunman recruiting a travelling musician with a rifle-rigged banjo and a drunken knife thrower to help retrieve a stash of U.S. Army gold. Franco Ressel, William Berger co-star. Next, Van Cleef is back in "Return of Sabata" (1971), this time going up against a wealthy land baron who taxes the citizens of a small town and then fleeces them out of their money. With Giampiero Albertini, Reiner Schone. Finally, Yul Brynner takes over the title role in "Adios Sabata" (1971), as the eagle-eyed antihero is tapped by a Mexican revolutionary to hijack a wagon carry

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Adios Sabata
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